Their recipe is as close to the boardwalk taste as you can get, simmered to a texture and taste that delights every taste bud in your mouth. The dogs are just normal size dogs served between your normal buns, however it is the sauce that tells the story. It takes a real lover of chili dogs to sniff out this eatery. The aroma wafts from the small building as you amble down the sidewalk. As you enter all you can hear is the quite contentment of diners savoring each mouthful of their dogs.
Seasoned with the delicious chili and topped with onins, it offers you a delightful respite from the can of commercially prepared chili offered at your local grocers. As much as you savor each taste and try to ferret out each item in their recipe you cannot help but just sit back and gorge yourself with your dog. As much as one would like to list each ingredient and state the exact cooking time, I cannot. This is a family secret handed down to each generation, and sadly perhaps for the last time.
As with each passing generation, interests vary and children are not content to stay in a family business. As all children do they seek out their own individual fortunes and sadly perhaps to our disadvantage? For its future is in their hands and our only comfort for now is to gladly order up their delicious dogs and enjoy each savory bite